söndag 5 januari 2014

Yin Yoga

My yin yoga teacher Sarah Powers is such a great inspiration. I went to numerous workshops with her until one day I decided to do a yin yoga teacher training. This was many years ago, so the teacher training was shorter than they are now, it relied on the participants being yoga teachers already. I was living at London at the time the teacher training was at the Tri Yoga studio just off Carnaby Street. I loved, and still do despite being back in Malmö again, that studio. It is a sanctuary away from the shopping and hustle a place to breathe.

It was fun. Sarah encouraged us to spread the yin yoga message. We were about 40-50 participants and among them, we were four from Sweden. To my joy I discovered that one of us, Magdalena Mecweld, has now written a book in Swedish about Yin Yoga and she has also released an app for yin yoga practice. Her books will be released in English in the fall 2014!

People discover the world of yin yoga – now in Swedish!

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